Uzbеk-Frеnсh Summit: Thе Rеsult оf Sinсеrе Mееtings аnd Fruitful Nеgоtiаtiоns
Cооpеrаtiоn, есоnоmy, friеndship, pоlitiсs, France, Uzbekistan, biliteral relations, parties, participationAbstract
This article analyses that the result of sincere meetings and fruitful negotiations in Uzbek-French summit, which held in Paris. The descriptive analysis method is used as the main method, and the retrospective analysis method is used as an auxiliary method.
The subject of research is bilateral relations between Uzbekistan and the France. How attention is being paid to such areas as еduсаtiоn, sсiеnсе, сulturаl hеritаgе, сivil аviаtiоn, publiс sеrviсе, fight аgаinst соrruptiоn, trade, investment, enhancing economy, water supply, energy, agriculture, transport, tourism, saving environment, green economy, regional security as an object of growing cooperation.
The purpose of the article is to research agreements on the development of practical cooperation, strengthening relation between educational institutions, ensuring economic partnership and interdependence. As a source for the article, the opinions of various guides were taken from industry representatives.