Exploring the Role of National Diplomacy in Economic Development


  • Dilshoda Jo’raboyeva Komolxon qizi student of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy




Keywords: national diplomacy, economic development, trade policies, foreign direct investment, regional integration, international cooperation, sustainable growth, globalized world.


In an increasingly interdependent global economy, a nation's diplomatic efforts play a vital role in facilitating trade relationships and attracting foreign investment that drives economic growth and development. This paper analyzes the ways national diplomacy is used to reduce barriers, expand market access, and foster cooperation on issues that impact nations' economic performance. Case studies from diverse countries demonstrate how strategic diplomatic initiatives have strengthened their trade partnerships and deal-making abilities. Coordinated diplomacy is shown to aide sourcing infrastructure funding, technology transfers, and joint solutions to shared challenges such as climate change or public health - all of which feed into developmental gains. The findings suggest policymakers should make full use of diplomacy's untapped potential as a development tool.




How to Cite

Dilshoda Jo’raboyeva Komolxon qizi. (2023). Exploring the Role of National Diplomacy in Economic Development. International Journal of Business Diplomacy and Economy, 2(12), 4–8. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijbde.v2i12.3005