International Journal of Business Diplomacy and Economy <div> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>International Journal of Business Diplomacy and Economy</strong> (IJBDE) - ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2833-7468</a> is an international journal devoted entirely to fostering/understanding issues interconnecting diplomacy and economy. Journal collaborates and seeks with economic-related issues, economic diplomacy was/is often neglected. There have been huge changes in the field of diplomacy (globalization, regionalization, internet, social networks, new entrants in the international fields, e.g. NGOs, MNCs, etc.), belying the stereotype that diplomacy is old-fashioned. One constant has always been at the core of diplomacy – economy.</p> </div> en-US [email protected] (Editor In Chief) [email protected] (Managing Editor) Mon, 13 May 2024 14:17:50 +0000 OJS 60 Impacts of Iraq's WTO Accession on Agriculture <p>This research investigates the pivotal role of Iraq's agricultural sector in its national economy, emphasizing its significance in ensuring food security, fostering economic growth, and contributing to employment, capital formation, and export earnings. Despite this importance, there exists a gap in understanding the implications of Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on its agricultural sector. The study aims to fill this gap by examining the conditions and obligations imposed by the WTO, permissible support types, and Iraq's economic resources. Utilizing a mixed-method approach, including literature review and empirical analysis, the research explores the potential for Iraq's agricultural sector advancement through strategic resource allocation and adoption of modern technologies. Findings reveal that Iraq possesses the necessary elements for economic development, particularly in agriculture, if resources are efficiently managed and modern techniques are embraced. The study offers conclusions and recommendations crucial for specialists in Iraqi economic affairs, especially those concerned with agricultural development and WTO implications.</p> Thamer Abdel, Aali Al Shammari Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 13 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Impact of IAS IFRS on Reducing Information Risk and Enhancing Financial Performance in Iraq <p>This study investigates the recent implementation of International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Iraq, highlighting its impact on enhancing information quality, reducing risk, and improving financial performance efficiency. The interconnected system of these standards ensures operational efficacy and provides accurate, relevant information for informed decision-making. Despite these benefits, information quality poses a risk unless specific attributes are met, affecting financial performance and information accuracy. The study identifies a positive relationship between lower information risk and higher accounting performance, supported by a significant T-test result (computed value: 12.062, tabulated value: 2.82). This research aims to evaluate the effects of IAS/IFRS adoption on information risk and accounting performance, using hypothesis testing to validate findings. The results underscore the importance of rigorous standards in mitigating information risk and enhancing financial outcomes.</p> Mohammed Shakour Ahmed, Omar Hadi Ali, Ibrahim Naeem Hasan Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Smart Cards Reshape Iraqi Banking Service Quality <p>This research investigates the impact of smart card banking services on perceived service quality in Iraqi commercial banks, aiming to assess the level of adoption and its correlation with customer satisfaction. Key findings reveal shortcomings in ATM and POS infrastructure alongside deficiencies in technical and marketing aspects, urging a focus on service enhancement. Results indicate a positive relationship between smart card services and perceived quality, suggesting improvements in smart card offerings can positively influence customer perception. Recommendations include expanding ATM and POS networks, investing in technical expertise, and prioritizing market research for service innovation. Additionally, enhancing communication infrastructure and regulatory collaboration are crucial for overcoming existing challenges. These findings underscore the importance of adapting banking services to meet customer expectations effectively and highlight avenues for future research to explore long-term impacts and optimization strategies.</p> Abbas Ali Sara Copyright (c) 2024 Sara Abbas Ali Tue, 14 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Japan Leads in Integrating Foresight into Innovation Policy <p>This article examines the evolution of scientific and technological Foresight research over the past decade, particularly in Japan, highlighting its integration into science, technology, and innovation policy formulation. Initially limited to analytical reports, Foresight now includes interdisciplinary and intersectoral approaches, utilizing advanced methods such as weak signals and "jokers" to enhance research robustness. The study addresses the knowledge gap in understanding the impact of these integrated methods on policy development. It aims to analyze Japan's significant financial investments in R&amp;D, predominantly funded by the private sector, and the role of government support through initiatives like those from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). The results show that Japan's approach has maintained its competitive edge in the global market by fostering innovation and aligning national priorities with global trends. The implications suggest that other nations can enhance their technological capabilities by creating integrated and well-supported research environments. Further research should explore the long-term impacts of these foresight practices on innovation ecosystems and the potential of emerging methodologies in shaping future technological landscapes.</p> Kamilova Mashkura Hidoyatovna, Hamdamova Zukhra Copyright (c) 2024 Kamilova Mashkura Hidoyatovna, Hamdamova Zukhra. Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Smart Cards Enhance Service Quality in Iraqi Banks A Quantitative Analysis <p>This research examines the role of smart card banking services in enhancing the perceived quality of service in Iraqi commercial banks. Despite the global advancement in electronic banking, Iraqi banks lag in effectively utilizing smart card services. This study aims to identify the relationships between smart card banking services and perceived service quality, uncovering deficiencies such as inadequate ATM and POS availability, limited ATM functionalities, and weaknesses in technical and marketing aspects. Using a quantitative research method, the findings highlight the need for developing and redesigning smart card services to better meet customer needs. The study recommends that bank management allocate funds to increase ATMs and POS systems, expand ATM services, and establish technical units focused on developing high-quality electronic services. These measures are essential for improving customer satisfaction and achieving higher service quality.</p> Sara Abbas Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000