International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education <div> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">(2833-5414)</a> </strong><strong>- </strong>is an open-access peer review research platform that provides a strategic forum for international and multi-disciplinary dialogue on inclusive education for all educators and educational policy-makers concerned with the form and nature of schools, universities and technical colleges. On this case, papers published are original, refereed, multi-disciplinary research into pedagogies, curricula, organizational structures, policy-making, administration and cultures to include all students in education. <strong>IJISE</strong> does not accept enrolment in school, college or university as a measure of inclusion. The focus is upon the nature of exclusion and on research, policy and practices that generate greater options for all people in education and beyond.</p> </div> en-US [email protected] (Editor in Chief) [email protected] (Support Team) Tue, 16 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Psychoanalytic Study of Literature in the Novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata and its Implications for Literature Learning <p>The problems in this research are (1) What are the structural elements that build the novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata? (2) What is the character of the main character in the novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata? (3) What are the implications of the learning model for the novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata in learning literary appreciation in class VIII junior high school? The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive research method. The research results are as follows: 1. The structure of the novel Laskar Pelangi is (a) Theme; This novel has a theme about education. (b) Characterization; The main characters in this novel are Ikal (aku), Lintang and Mahar (c) Setting; Muhammadiah School, Building, PN School, (d) Point of View; My point of view as the main character. (e) Mandate; gratitude in life, teachings 2. Viewed from a literary psychology perspective, the characters in the novel Laskar Pelangi use a deepening of Sigmund Freud's theory, regarding the elements of personality (id, ego, and superego), it can be understood the character formation of each character: (a) Curls ; Ikal's character in his soul, id can be defeated with super ego. The 'I' character doesn't just want to beat Lintang's character in terms of intelligence, if Ikal's id is very strong, maybe he will hate or even not want to be friends with his deskmate anymore because feel defeated, but the super ego defeats the id. (b) Latitude; Ego is a psychological aspect of personality that arises from the individual's need to relate well to the real world. Lintang has an id, namely extraordinary intelligence that he was born with coupled with his passionate ego. His enthusiasm for learning was to uplift his very poor family. makes him very enthusiastic about learning. However, the super ego itself makes Lintang no longer carry on his id and ego. 3. Implications of the Cultural and Educational values contained in the Novel Laskar Pelangi which need to be emulated and taught in literature learning at school, namely: Religious Values, Social Values, Moral or Ethical Values and Aesthetic Values</p> Morein Gabriela, Donal M. Ratu, Sherly F. Lensun Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 16 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Value of Anti-Corruption and Humanism Education in Short Stories “People’s Justice” and “Teacher” by Putu Wijaya and Implications for Literature Learning in High School <p>This research aims to describe: 1) the value of anti-corruption education contained in the short stories "People's Justice" and "Guru" by Putu Wijaya. 2) the value of humanist education contained in the short stories "Peradilan Rakyat" and "Guru" by Putu Wijaya, and 3) the implications of research results on anti-corruption and humanism education in the short stories "Peradilan Rakyat" and "Guru" by Putu Wijaya for literature learning in high school. This study uses a qualitative method. The data sources for this research are two short stories entitled "People's Justice" and "Dan Guru" by Putu Wijaya. The research technique used in this research is the literature study technique. The research results obtained are: 1) cThe pen "People's Justice" contains 4 important anti-corruption education values, namely: honesty, responsibility, courage and justice. Then, in the short story "Guru" there are also anti-corruption educational values which include: honesty, courage, hard work and independence. The short story "People's Justice" which presents anti-corruption educational values such as honesty, responsibility, courage and justice is a real life reflection of law enforcement presented by Putu Wijaya. In the short story "Teacher" presents the values of anti-corruption education such as honesty, courage, hard work and independence, presenting a fact, it turns out that the profession as a teacher is not seen as a job worthy of being dependent on for life. 2) The short stories "People's Justice" and "Guru" by Putu Wijaya contain humanist values. The short story "People's Justice" contains humanist values, namely: respect for other people/freedom of opinion, willingness to make sacrifices, and caring for other people. In the short story "Teacher" there are two humanistic values, namely respecting other people's opinions and being willing to make sacrifices. 3) The implications of the results of this research confirm that anti-corruption education does not always come from textbooks, but can utilize literary works such as short stories, because it turns out that the content of short stories is a reflection of people's lives which present various problems, such as law, education, morals, family and values. -human values.</p> Rahmawati Suwarsono , Intama Jemy Polii , Viktory NJ Rotty Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 16 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pedagogical Development of Information Security Professional Competence In Information and Communication Technologies and Communication Specialists Terms And Conditions <p>In this article, the pedagogical conditions for the development of professional competence of information security in information and communication technologies and communications specialists, the reforms being carried out in our country, military reforms, special attention is paid to the training of highly qualified military specialists with high intellectual, moral and moral potential for our Armed Forces. 'attention is being paid.</p> Sh.Sh. Akbaraliyev Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pedagogical Ideas of the Work “Timur’s Rules” <p>This article provides information about pedagogical ideas in Amir Temur’s work “Timur’s Rules”. In particular, the study of the cultural heritage left by thinkers is both the responsibility and duty of each family member, the creation by Amir Temur of a centralized state in Movaraunnahr, his contribution to the development of science, culture and education, Amir Temur always expressed “Humanity” and “Courage is glorified by God, and the people.</p> Sarsenbaeva Raikhon Makhanbetovna Copyright (c) 2024 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Technology of Creating Electronic Textbooks in the Formation of Pedagogical Competence <p>This research article explores the transformative impact of electronic textbooks on the development of pedagogical competence. Employing a mixed-methods research design, the study investigates the relationship between educators' utilization of electronic textbooks and their technological proficiency, perceived impact on pedagogical competence, and preferences for specific features. Quantitative analyses, including surveys and usage metrics, are complemented by qualitative insights drawn from interviews and classroom observations. The integrated findings provide a comprehensive understanding of the role electronic textbooks play in shaping pedagogical practices and highlight the opportunities and challenges associated with their integration into diverse educational settings.</p> Qurbonova Baxtixon Qo'chqarboyevna, Ergasheva Durdona Safarali qizi Copyright (c) 2024 Sun, 28 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EDITING OF TRANSLATED WORKS <p><em>According to current requirements, any work should be translated both beautifully and correctly - adequately. Only when translated in this way can the work become a perfect work of art. For this, the translator must comply with certain conditions. For example, the translator should respect the author of the work he is translating, not to decorate the translated work with unnecessary words, not to leave out words and phrases with a certain meaning, not to stick to the form, not to damage the content, not to dilute it, it is necessary! That is, it should revive the original with all its achievements and shortcomings in its own language, and fully reflect its inner warmth and artistic features. The closer the translation is to the original, the more successful the translation is. This requires professionalism from every translator. When talking about the specific characteristics of peoples, it is important to pay attention to one more issue, it is a folklore art that embodies the living conditions, lifestyle of each people and thousands of years of experience of their ancestors. Naturally, samples of folk oral creativity of one nation are also an interesting source of learning for other nations. Therefore, it is translated, studied, and mutual cultural relations are established. In the same process, especially in the translation of epics and folklore examples of the Uzbek people, verbatim translation i.e. word for word translation does not justify itself when translating situations where our customs and traditions specific to our nation, dialects are described. Especially if we take the proverbs into account, they are given with some changes in epics to set the tone.</em></p> Tashmuxamedova Latofat Ismatovna Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000