The Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Skills Training in the Treatment of Adolescents Suffering From Drug Abuse: The Case of Mental Health Clinics in Bamenda III Sub Division


  • Dr. Sigala Maxwell Senior Lecturer of The University of Bamenda
  • Dr. Angu Roland Nji Senior Lecturer of The University of Bamenda
  • Yenkung Etienne Kamah Post Graduate Student of The University of Bamenda



Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Skills Training, Treatment, Adolescents, Drug


This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Skills Training in the treatment of adolescents suffering from drug abuse. In this regard the researcher sought to provide answers to one important research question, which is: How does skills training affects adolescents suffering from drug abuse in Mental Health Clinics in Bamenda III Sub Division? The theoretical underpinnings of the study were provided by Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy of Albert Ellis and the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) of Marsha Linehan (1993). The research design used in this study was the concurrent mixed method design, whereby 20 adolescent drug addicts responded to a four-point Likert Scale questionnaire, and seven clinicians responded to interviews in some selected mental health clinics in Bamenda III Sub Division. In terms of analyzing quantitative data, the data were presented on tables in the form of frequencies, percentages and pie charts. With respect to inferential statistics, the Linear Regression analysis was used to check the effect of the Dialectical Bahviour Therapy and adolescents suffering from drug abuse. The interview was analyzed using the thematic analyses. Findings of the study revealed that 60% of the respondents strongly agreed that skills training has a positive influence on adolescents suffering from drug abuse with a mean of 3.265. Qualitatively, the respondents responded that the adolescent patients have learned skills that are positive to them such as interaction in and out of the clinic. Also, the adolescent patients learned skills like bathing themselves, how to keep their dresses neat, morals and listening to music. A number of recommendations were made to adolescent patients, clinicians and the government.




How to Cite

Maxwell , D. S. ., Nji , D. A. R. ., & Kamah , Y. E. . (2023). The Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Skills Training in the Treatment of Adolescents Suffering From Drug Abuse: The Case of Mental Health Clinics in Bamenda III Sub Division. International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education, 2(5), 116–123.