Prevention and Prediction of Dental Morbidity in Chemical Industry Workers


  • Ibragimova Firuza Ikramovna



prevention, industry, disease, dentistry


Chemicals of the industrial air environment are detected in the oral fluid, hard tissues of teeth, dental deposits, and biopsies of tissue structures. They aggravate the course of dental caries due to the substitution of calcium ions in hydroxyappatite crystals, chronic inflammation in periodontal tissues, violation of the integrity of the epithelium of the oral mucosa.

However, the influence of chemical factors of industry on the oral cavity of workers, the consequences of these effects have not been fully studied. Given this, the need to continue dental, clinical, functional and microbiological research on this problem has not lost its relevance.

The question of the negative impact of some industries on the oral cavity remains relevant. The relationship between the high prevalence of non-carious lesions of the teeth and the oral mucosa with such production processes as oil and gas extraction, metallurgy, chemical production, bakery and confectionery production has been proved. Dental health contributes to the preservation of the ability to work of an important part of the country's population – workers of industrial enterprises, especially since a number of studies convincingly reveal the role of the dental system in the general state of the body.


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How to Cite

Ikramovna, I. F. . (2023). Prevention and Prediction of Dental Morbidity in Chemical Industry Workers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(5), 224–226.


