Influence of a New Silicon-Containing Pyrazole Derivative of Parachlorobenzoic Acid (K-72) on Arthritis Caused by Various Irritants


  • Bekchanov Bakhtiyar Gafurovich Head of the Department of Pediatriya of Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
  • Masharipov Otaboy Olimovich Professor of the Department of Pediatriya of Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
  • Komilova Dilrabo Rakhimboy qizi Students of the Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
  • Masharipov Ogabek Atabaevich Students of the Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan



In the first series of experiments, conducted on white mice, the effect of oral administration of K-72 on formalin inflammation was studied. The data obtained (table 1) showed that with the introduction of K-72, the inflammatory process develops more slowly than in animals of the control group. With the introduction of formalin to animals of the control group (which received gum arabic), the average weight gain of the amputated paws on the 7th day averaged 115.7 - + 6.16 mg, then the seven-day treatment of K-72 this figure was equal to: at a dose of 50 mg / kg - 75.5 _ + 4.10 mg, and in doses of 100 and 150 mg / kg - 64.1 _ + 0.90 and 49.5 _ + 4.0 mg, respectively. At the same time, the anti-inflammatory activity of K-72 in Vine 50 mg/kg was 29.7 at a dose of 100 mg/kg - 46.6%, and at a dose of 150 mg/kg - 57.4%. In the treatment of experimental animals with butadion under the same conditions, a less pronounced effect was observed. In this case, the average weight gain of the amputated paws was 101.3 - + 0.3 mg, and the effectiveness of the anti-inflammatory action was 19.4%. Comparison of these results shows that with formalin edema in K-72 mice, anti-inflammatory activity is approximately 1.5–2 times stronger than butadiene.


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How to Cite

Gafurovich, B. B. ., Olimovich, M. O. ., qizi, K. D. R. ., & Atabaevich, M. O. . (2023). Influence of a New Silicon-Containing Pyrazole Derivative of Parachlorobenzoic Acid (K-72) on Arthritis Caused by Various Irritants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(5), 90–92.


